Imam Al-Ghazali On The Elucidation of The Marvels of The Heart | ii1633


Imam Al-Ghazali On The Elucidation of The Marvels of The Heart – Softcover


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Imam Al-Ghazali On The Elucidation of The Marvels of The Heart – Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali (also pronounced as Ghazzali) is one of the Gifts of Allah to this Ummah. Illustrative of this is that our scholars have titled him Hujjatul-Islam – The Proof of Islam. He was born in Tus in 450 Hijri and passed away in 505 Hijri.

A great mujtahid who wrote extensively on many of the Islamic disciplines. His works are regarded by the ‘Ulama as the advanced texts of each discipline. His masterpieces include al-Mustasfa min ‘ilm ‘al-Usul, Tahafut al-Falsafiyyah, al-Wajiz and of course Ihya ‘Ulum al-Din. To appreciate the value of this book I find no better words than Imam an-Nawawi who said that if all the books of Islam disappeared except the Book of Allah and the Ihya, it would suffice you.

This is the first volume from our Ihya ‘Ulum Al-Din Series. We hope to bring out many more Subic volumes from this.

The present volume elucidates the marvels (‘Aja’ib) of the heart (Qalb). The Imam deals authoritatively with the hearts diseases and their cures.

Softcover.  Imported.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Total pages:


Measurments of Book:

Width: 5.5 inches x Length: 8.20 inches




Imam Al-Ghazali